*We understand that some people would like to have their place of work or some other entity pay part or all of their registration fees. If this is you, please use the "Pay Later" button to register for the course. Included in the email with information about the course (see ** below), you will find a payment link and instructions that you can share with the person making the payment for you.
**If you do not receive the email with information about the course (different from the receipt) on the day you register, please reach out to Hannah Shafer at hannah@tobinstitute.org.
***Register and pay before September 29, 2025, and students living within the continental US and Canada will receive a hard copy of the TOB I: Head and Heart Immersion workbook. All students will have access to a downloadable digital workbook within the course.
****Please register with an email address that is unique to you, and please make sure to use that email address for any future registrations with us. This will help us to maintain accuracy of your course completion information.