What's Included:

This online course will use St. John Paul II’s Letter to Artists as its primary source material, in addition to the Theology of the Body addresses, as well as Pope Benedict XVI’s Address to Artists – 2009, and Evangelii Guadium by Pope Francis and the Via Pulchritudinis by Pope Benedict XVI. In addition to reflective readings, there will be a direct and focused gaze on classical and modern works of art of various mediums, primarily painting and sculpture, but not excluding poetry, music, and cinema. The heart of this course will be the invitation for students to “walk the Way of Beauty” as a path leading to God, and to see Beauty as a key to evangelizing others into an encounter with God.

How Does the Online Course Work?

  • Access to Course

  • Course Set Up

    The videos are from a previously recorded in-person TOB and Art. You can watch them on your own schedule, but we suggest committing 3 hours per day in order to get through all of the material. You will not have access to the videos beyond the end date of the course.

  • Resources and Direction

    Each video session is complete with the resources used in the course, as well as directions for helping to make this online course, not only intellectually stimulating, but also spiritually fruitful.

  • Live Group Q&A Sessions

  • Steps to Certification Program

Meet Your Instructor

Bill Donaghy, M.A.

Bill is an instructor, international speaker, and curriculum specialist for the Theology of the Body Institute Certification Program. Bill worked for nearly a decade teaching theology at Malvern Preparatory School as well as Immaculata University, while giving talks, retreats, and conferences for the Theology of the Body Institute. He has worked in the fields of mission and evangelization since 1999 and has given talks and retreats to bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, and the lay faithful throughout the United States, as well as Canada, Mexico, Chile, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. He and his wife, Rebecca, live just outside of Philadelphia, PA with their four children.