"Priestly formation is an integral journey in which the four dimensions of human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation are woven together in such a way that, while identified as distinct dimensions, they can be seen as an 'integrated journey of the disciple called to priesthood'."
(Program of Priestly Formation in the United States of America, Sixth Edition)
About Our Offering
Especially geared toward, but not limited to, men in the Propaedeutic Stage of seminary formation, THRIVE seeks to introduce men discerning priesthood to Pope Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body and to apply this teaching to aspects of prayer, fraternity, and human formation.
Created by TOBI Director of Ongoing Formation and Consecrated Virgin, Jen Settle, this retreat seminar helps to lay the foundation for human and priestly formation through an integrated and prayerful study of Theology of the Body.
"Formation is a lifelong journey. It is important to lay a solid foundation for this journey in the propaedeutic stage, especially
in the human and spiritual dimensions, such that the seminarian can thrive in the discipleship, configuration, and vocational synthesis stages of formation." (PPF, Sixth Edition)
THRIVE participants will journey through eight, two-hour sessions of presentation and discussion on the Theology of the Body and the application of TOB to living celibacy, growing in integration, and the art of friendship to grow in fraternity.
THRIVE Adapts to Your Needs
+ Sessions can be spread out over 4-6 days. +
+ Sessions can include small group opportunities. +
+ It is optimal for sessions to be surrounded in prayer and the Sacraments. +
+ Sessions can be offered in a retreat atmosphere. +
+ Opportunity for one-on-one conversation or direction with the presenter. +
What are Seminarians Saying About THRIVE?
"I'm confident having this time set aside, at the beginning of my formation,
to learn about TOB will be of great value to my whole seminary life."
"The presentations were very helpful in becoming more familiar with Theology of the Body and
the discussions with my brother seminarians were helpful for our fraternity."
"I'm grateful for the chance to hear how to cultivate true friendship and fraternity."
"I knew a little of Theology of the Body, but this week brought a greater depth
of understanding and desire to live what it teaches."
"I appreciated the open discussions about how healing can happen through
living out our call to integration of life."
Meet the Presenter
Jen Settle is a Consecrated Virgin in the Diocese of Orlando. She has been a staff member at the Theology of the Body Institute in Quarryville, Pennsylvania since 2008, where she currently serves as the Director of Ongoing Formation. She has Bachelor and Master's degrees in Theology and Parish Ministry from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. Jen worked in religious education and adult faith formation for 15 years before joining the TOBI staff. Jen was the TOBI leader in the creation of the In the Person of Chirist Clergy Enrichment Program and creator of the TOB I & Consecreated Life Certification Coruse. She has given retreats to laity, numerous religious communities, seminarians, and priests throughout the country. She completed the Spiritual Direction Certificate Program with Divine Mercy University in 2020 and she currently serves as a spiritual director. Consecrated in 2017 in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia by Archbishop Charles Chaput, Jen consults with many bishops and dioceses to assist in the creation of discernment and formation processes for women seeking to become a Consecreated Virgin. She serves as a mentor for women across the country who desire the vocation of Consecrated Virginity. She also serves as the Delegate for Consecrated Virginity in the Diocese of Orlando. She is the co-author of the book, Consecration to Jesus through Saint Joseph: An Integrated Look at the Holy Family, and a contributor to the books, Undone: Freeing the Feminine Heart from the Knots of Fear and Shame, and God is Beauty: A Retreat on the Gospel and Art.
For Information on How to
Bring THRIVE to Your Seminary: